Venue : OU, Hyderabad [Ask for OUCIP or IPE in the OU campus to find the place]
The process started at 2.20 PM due to delays in the morning slot. It started off with a GD where one member of our grooup was told to pick up one envelope from three to four envelopes that contained different GD topic. And our GD topic was
'Slumdog Phenomenon, the Hype is due to the skin effect'
We were given 8 mins to discuss. The group size was 15 members. Luckily no fish market but for the other two groups who had the GDs going on simultaneously had fish markets. We spoke about the many things that came into play for the success of Slumdog. Skin effect was the skin color as per our group. There can be other interpretations like skin is more like the surface, so a surfacial effect. My contribution was that one reason of success can be the on going recession. People are losing jobs and facing monetary problems. So slumdog, where a guy from slums earns a million shows a ray of hope. I spoke thrice but then it revolved around this point.
After the discussion each one of us was given 1 min time for monlogue. And a further 5 minutes to summarise on paper.
Overall a good GD.

Personal Interview was cool. Three in the panel. No technical questions. For me the questions were like Why MBA? Why did you switch companies? And a few more related to work ex. One of them asked about Disaster Management and I told him about the Risk Management we do at our company and that I never made anything for Disaster Management. He said ok and said Disaster Management is a part of risk management. That was it for the interview. It took some 10-12 mins. And I think it went on well. By the time my process got over it was 5.30 PM.
Some more Qs asked to other people in my group - What is sub-prime crisis? India's GDP? India's Export Market? A question on 'some' Pai to an Infoscion - He was a former CFO of Infosys and now he is the HR. Difference between leaders and managers. What will do for India if you are the PM - How will you work on the regional differences that exist?What are your hobbies? Why do you want to leave your company after 3-4 months of joining it or Why do you want to leave your company after working for 32 months?
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so this ones too a cake walk huh? good good :)
welcome to IMT sir! :)... select aipoyinatte :)
btw, gimme your number.. abhay is not here... wen u come to delhi u can come here.. daggare delhi ki
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