I had a discussion about banking with my dad, DGM at State Bank of Hyderabad. During the discussion I asked him ' What is the major difference between Indian Banks and Foreign Banks operating in India?'. He replied that he could find two major differences -
- The method of raising funds to mobilize. While Indian banks depend heavily on Deposits(80%) the foreign banks depend a little less on Deposits (50%). This helps them in getting the business done with lesser branches.
- Foreign Banks had 33% of income from other income sources while Indian banks had less than 20% from other income. The below table shows the segmentation. This depicts that foreign banks earn a lot more income from advisory services.
Hi, well said.. but i didnt get the lines that by depending on deposits(50%), they are able to mobilize and able to run with lesser no of branches.
And 33% from other income sources means which income sources. Waiting for ur reply.
mail id:- rahuldongenitw@gmail.com
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